About Us

Mori Spiral Therapy

My life was improved via spiral therapy. I now aspire to use this method to contribute to the healing of others.

Wataru Mori

Mori Spiral Therapy


Wataru Mori

I am a therapist originally from Tokyo, Japan, where I had the privilege of treating many clients (more than five thousand sessions). As a therapist, I have a deep personal connection to Spiral Therapy, as I was once a patient myself. Before I became a therapist, I struggled with physical pain and suffering for many years, but Spiral Therapy changed my life for the better.

When I was 13 years old, I suffered from a lumber disc hernia while playing volleyball in junior high school. Despite numerous visits to an orthopaedic clinic and rehabilitation efforts, my condition did not improve. Then, when I was 19 years old, a car accident caused me to experience severe whiplash symptoms for over ten years. I tried various forms of treatment to alleviate the pain, such as chiropractic, acupuncture, osteopathy, and massage. Despite my best efforts, I could not find relief from my suffering.

One day I stumbled upon Spiral Therapy, and everything changed. Within just three months, I was radically relieved of the physical and mental toll of my condition. I felt calm, grateful, and filled with a new sense of hope. I realised that Spiral Therapy had saved my life and I wanted to share this experience with others who were still suffering. That was ten years ago, and I have been a therapist ever since, using my personal experience and knowledge to help others find the same relief I did through Spiral Therapy.

I am dedicated to sharing the benefits of this life-changing therapy with others and helping them to find their own path to healing, comfort, and freedom from pain.

Mori Spiral Therapy


Aya Mori

I am Aya Mori, a spiritual healer originally from Tokyo and also Wataru’s assistant. For more than 14 years, I have been practising and exploring mind and body healing from an energetic approach.

Mori Spiral Therapy

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