Mori Spiral Therapy

Spiritual Healing

Aya Mori

I am Aya Mori, a spiritual healer from Tokyo, Japan. For more than 14 years, I have been practising and exploring mind and body healing from an energetic approach.

My journey began in 2008 while I was working for a financial institution. I was looking for a way to overcome a cycle of undesired eating disorders and stress, so I began to focus on energy healing, meditation, qigong, massage therapy, and Qi Nei Xang, the Taoist art of healing internal organs.

In 2015, I encountered Spiral Therapy and was able to overcome physical and mental disbalances that were keeping me from trusting myself and enjoying life. Since then, I have devoted my life to helping others.

I have conducted over 2000 healing sessions in the past five years and developed a special mind-body stress-release technique. This technique has been incredibly successful, with a success rate of over 95%.

I am passionate about the power of healing and helping others to regain their health and well-being. With the right guidance, everyone can recover.

Quantum Physical Healing

against stress in organs, tissues, cells, DNA activation

My work focuses on helping individuals unlock their spiritual potential and clear any resistance created by their subconscious minds on their bodies. I firmly believe that mind and body are connected, and I am confident that energy healing can be a great companion to Spiral Therapy to release built-up stress and help the mind become healthier and happier, accelerating the path to a healthier and more joyful life.

During our sessions we will first talk about your complaints. Through energetic healing techniques, I will guide you in uncovering and removing the issues emerging from your subconscious mind. I will provide you with the tools and techniques to help you gain a better understanding of yourself and to assist in the development of your spiritual potential. My goal is to free people from mental and physical stress, allowing them to enjoy life energetically and abundantly.

With my help, you can gain a deeper understanding of yourself and take the necessary steps to unlock your spiritual potential. I am passionate about helping you discover your unconscious to experience a healthier, happier life.

Regular session (60 minutes): €100
Trial session: €30
4 session package: €320 (€80 Discount)

Note: Sessions can be done in person or remotely. (Zoom or phone call)

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