Therapist Programme

a personal note

Physical healing can change the world

If you’re reading this, chances are you already know the transformative power of Spiral Therapy.

My teacher and mentor, Shuki Yarita, shared his vision for this healing technique with me when I first began my journey to become a practitioner. He believed that by healing the body, people can open their minds, become kinder, and bring more peace to the world. I was deeply inspired by this mission and wanted to share Spiral Therapy with others, which is why I eventually decided to move to the Netherlands.

I am now in the process of creating a comprehensive training program for Spiral Therapy practitioners. Through this program, I aim to help others to develop their unique approach to the technique and to bring the healing power of Spiral Therapy to more people.

The program will be announced soon. I am excited to see how this journey will unfold!

Wataru Mori

Mori Spiral Therapy

Mori Spiral Therapy

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